

The following measure will used in achieving goals: Consultation, management, planning, development and implementation of sustainable projects within the framework of development cooperation, which concern the implementation of eHealth-applications or ICT projects in...


The Executive Board comprises a Chairman, Secretary General and Treasurer. It is elected by the General Assembly for the period of three years. The association is represented by the Chairman. Chairman: Dr. Ghislain Kouematchoua Tchuitcheu


An interdisciplinary and experimented team of professionals is leading the activities of the organization: Chief Executive Officer Dr. Ghislain Kouematchoua Tchuitcheu Chief Medical Officer Alain Nguento, MD Senior Consultant Neuroradiology Dr. Steffen Reissberg, MD...
Who we are

Who we are

Koegni-eHealth is a non profit organization which promotes development  cooperation for the purposes of building a global partnerships especially in the area of „eHealth“. This organization was founded by members of the Cameroonian Diaspora in Germany, is based in...