

The project entitled “Development, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable eHealth-based solutions for achieving health care related Millennium Development Goals in Cameroon” has received grants from: The Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM)...
Solution approach

Solution approach

Simplified and abstract illustrations of solutions conceptualized, developed, and implemented are highlightedon the cover page of the magazine and below. Figure 1 shows the integrated use of standard-based ehealth-components (EPR, DSS, telemedicine) in the local care...
Target groups

Target groups

Strategic level: Decision makers at the Ministry of Health, strategic facilities for critical diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, maternal and childhood diseases, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, cancer, diabetes and its complications. This level is locally...


Network Funders: CIM (Centre for International Migration and Development) UNFM (Université Numérique Francophone Mondiale – World Francophone Numeric University) Partners: ARZT hilft! e.V. is a charity based in Berlin. The organisation is first and foremost...